A New World, A New Way Wikia
A new world, a new mind.

Writer(s) Thadius0
Date published September 3rd, 2014
Words 464,545
Status ongoing
Type/genre Sex Romance Crossover Adventure Alternate Universe Human
Featuring Iron Will
Part of A New World, a New Way Universe
Based on Pokemon
Show connection Season 4
Story link(s)
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Vincent Nurem, a.k.a. 'Subject 37,' had never been normal. Never been outside the plexiglass and plastic that encompassed his world. Everything was white walls and floors and neon lights for him. The few friends he had were Pokemon that were also test subjects for his father. And the three of them had no problems understanding each other, thanks to what his father had done to him.

But when Lord Arceus pulled off his plane-shift, Vincent and his friends finally got to set foot outside the facility his father kept them in. And upon seeing the small horde of Ponyta that greeted him, the three of them decided one thing. If this is some sort of shared dream, they would dream big. But if it turns out it isn't, dream bigger. After all, Viva Los Pegasus.
